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doi:10.1094/CFW-55-1-0035 |  VIEW ARTICLE


Comparison of Different Methods for Rice Bran Stabilization and Their Impact on Oil Extraction and Nutrient Destruction

M. N. Riaz (1), M. Asif (1), B. Plattner (2), and G. Rokey (2). (1) Food Protein R&D Center, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, U.S.A.; (2) Wenger Manufacturing Inc., Sabetha, KS, U.S.A. Cereal Foods World 55(1):35-40.

The impact of four thermal processing methods on rice bran stabilization, oil extraction, and nutrient destruction was compared. All of the processing equipments, except the pellet mill, had a positive effect on rice bran stabilization. Maximum oil (204 g/kg) was extracted from samples processed using the pellet cooker, followed by the extruder (202 g/kg), while samples processed by the pellet mill gave the least (172 g/kg) oil yield. It was further observed that oil in samples with lower bulk densities and high fines tended to be easily extracted with few exceptions. The total energy input for the extruder (481 kJ) and expander cookers (412 kJ) was significantly higher than that of the pellet cooker (218 kJ) and pellet mill (167 kJ). This high-energy input causes the destruction of vitamin E, as was observed in the samples processed by extruder and expander cookers.


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