Cereal Chem 42:64 - 70. | VIEW
On the Solubility of Gliadinlike Proteins. II. Solubility in Aqueous Acid Media.
P. Meredith. Copyright 1965 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Gliadinlike proteins are completely miscible with dilute aqueous acid but form two-phase, liquid-liquid systems in aqueous acid salt solutions. The concentration-temperature diagram for incipient phase separation shows three maxima at characteristic protein concentrations; the temperatures of the maxima vary with acid and salt concentration. Precipitation and solubility of these proteins are dependent on the concentration of salt in the medium and not on combination of salt and protein. Evidence suggests that salt affects the inter- and/or the intramolecular bonding of the protein and that the amide groups may be adequately explained, and that fractionation by precipitation or solubility is theoretically possible.