Cereal Chem 48:229 - 237. | VIEW
Effect of Phytate on Isoelectric Focusing of Soybean Whey Proteins.
L. C. Wang. Copyright 1971 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Changes in isoelectric points of soybean whey proteins as a result of phytate elimination or addition were studied by isoelectric focusing between pH 3 and 6. Major whey proteins concentrated at pH 4.2, 4.6, and 5.5. Adjusting the pH of whey solution to pH 8.0 precipitated phytate and decreased a protein peak focused at pH 4.6 in the whey. Anion-exchange resin treatment of whey also removed phytate and lowered the protein peak focused at pH 4.2, as well as other peaks at lower pH values. When sodium phytate was added to proteins from which phytate had been eliminated by the resin method, protein peaks again focused in low pH regions. Proteins focused in the pH 4 region changed more on addition of phytate than those in pH 5 region. Protein mobilities in polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis also were changed by added phytate. Phytate undoubtedly influenced the net charges of proteins.