Cereal Chem 49:636 - 640. | VIEW
Iodoacetic Acid as a Flour-Improving Reagent.
R. Tkachuk. Copyright 1972 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Baking, extensigraph, and farinograph studies were carried out on doughs containing various amounts of iodoacetic acid. Increasing the dosage of iodoacetic acid caused at first an increase and then a decrease in loaf volume, with optimum loaf volumes being obtained at approximately 0.03 microequivalent iodoacetic acid per g. flour. At levels of 0.08 microequivalent per g. flour, iodoacetic acid caused a larger increase in consistency and extension resistance than that caused by the addition of an equivalent amount of bromate or iodate. These studies indicate that iodoacetic acid is an effective and efficient flour-improving reagent which should be particularly useful in investigational studies of the improver reaction.