Cereal Chem 49:707 - 711. | VIEW
Effect of Protein Content on the Cooking Quality of Spaghetti.
R. R. Matsuo, J. W. Bradley, and G. N. Irvine. Copyright 1972 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
For a number of durum wheat varieties of varying qualities studied, protein quality has a marked effect on cooking quality of spaghetti. In all cases the cooking quality improved with higher protein content. Proteins from rapeseed meal, fish protein concentrate, soy flour and egg albumin, as well as protein components from durum wheat, were added to semolina and processed into spaghetti. The most pronounced improvement in cooking quality was found with egg albumin and with glutenin. Improvement was also found with gliadin, whereas proteins from other sources had little effect.