Cereal Chem 52:322 - 327. | VIEW
Relation Between Molecular-Weight Distribution of Endosperm Proteins and Spaghetti-Making Quality of Wheats.
R. J. Wasik and W. Bushuk. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The relation between glutenin and spaghetti-making quality was investigated using 14 durum wheat varieties of different quality. Gel filtration fractionation of the AUC (acetic acid, urea, and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide)-soluble endosperm proteins revealed that those varieties with higher glutenin:gliadin ratios were generally of superior cooking quality to those with lower ratios. Correlations significant to 1% were obtained between glutenin peak area and farinograph mixing tolerance index (- 0.661), gluten strength (0.845), and tenderness index (-0.681). The glutenin:gliadin ratio correlated linearly with the farinograph mixing tolerance index (-0.666). These results suggest that there are differences in protein composition among durum wheat varieties of different quality. These differences appear to be related to the spaghetti-making quality as it was possible to rank the 14 varieties on the basis of their gel filtration fractionation results in essentially the same order established by rheological and cooking tests.