Cereal Chem 52:361 - 366. | VIEW
Light and Scanning Electron Miscroscopic Studies of Waxy and Nonwaxy Endosperm Sorghum Varieties.
R. D. Sullins and L. W. Rooney. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Microscopic studies of the endosperm of waxy and nonwaxy sorghums have indicated a change in distribution of protein and starch of the peripheral endosperm area in the waxy grain. Nonwaxy sorghums contained small starch granules embedded in a dense proteinaceous matrix in the peripheral area. In contrast, the waxy grain had a less dense peripheral endosperm with larger starch granules with considerably less protein in the peripheral endosperm area. These findings were confirmed in several waxy vs. nonwaxy comparisons with different genetic backgrounds. However, one waxy line had a denser peripheral endosperm area than other waxy lines. This indicates there may be differences among the waxy lines. Waxy starch granules are more susceptible to enzyme degradation than nonwaxy starch granules. The combination of increased starch susceptibility and the alteration in structure of waxy sorghum accounts for the improved feed efficiency of waxy grain over nonwaxy in feeding trials.