Cereal Chem 52:367 - 372. | VIEW
The Gluto-Matic for Semiautomatic Determination of Wet and Dry Gluten Content of Wheat Flour.
W. T. Greenaway and C. A. Watson. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The Gluto-Matic is a semiautomated device for determining per cent of wet and dry crude gluten in wheat flour. In the manual method, the starch and water solubles are kneaded from the dough with the fingers. In the Gluto-Matic method, the kneading is done by a 3/16" thick metal loop which rotates and mixes the dough in a small plastic cup. Leaching (washing) is also automated. Ten experiments were performed with the Gluto-Matic to explore sources of experimental error and to determine their significance. The results show that the Gluto-Matic method, with a coefficient of variation of 3.62, is significantly superior to the manual method which had a coefficient of variation of 10.02. About 9 min is required to determine per cent wet gluten and 12 min to determine per cent dry gluten by the semiautomatic method. Starch remaining in the dry gluten ranged between 1.6 and 6.4%.