Cereal Chem 52:420 - 426. | VIEW
Flour Fractions Affecting Farinograph Absorption.
W. F. Sollars and G. L. Rubenthaler. Copyright 1975 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Fractionation and reconstitution techniques applied to a study of farinograph absorption showed that simple blends of fractions gave farinograph curves that closely matched those from the parent flours. When the fractions were reconstituted to flours, the farinograph dough mixing characteristics did not match those from the parent flours, but the absorptions were close and unaltered. When one-fraction-at-a-time interchanges were made with blends of fractions and with reconstituted flours, the tailings fraction always accounted for the largest effect, usually about half, of the difference in absorption between soft wheat and hard wheat flours. The rest of the absorption difference was divided among the water-soluble, gluten, and starch fractions.