Cereal Chem 53:829 - 838. | VIEW
Dehulling Cereal Grains and Grain Legumes for Developing Countries. I. Quantitative Comparison Between Attrition- and Abrasive-Type Mills.
R. D. Reichert and C. G. Youngs. Copyright 1976 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Two commercial mills, an attrition and an abrasive type, were quantitatively compared with a laboratory model Strong-Scott barley pearler in the dehulling of pigmented Nigerian sorghums and millets. Reflectance values (450 nm) of the flours obtained from the mills at various degrees of dehulling were measured. Graphs of these reflectance values vs. the percentage of kernel removed with each of the dehullers illustrated that the laboratory pearler was the most efficient, being able to remove most color with least loss of material. The abrasive mill was comparable with the laboratory pearler, but the attrition mill was much less efficient. Kernel-cracking analysis as well as throughputs to be expected at various degrees of dehulling indicated that the abrasive mill is generally more suitable for dehulling Nigerian sorghums and millets.