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Cereal Chem 60:181 - 183.  |  VIEW ARTICLE
Note: Localization of Lipase Activity in Oat Grains and Milled Oat Fractions.

A. A. Urquhart, I. Altosaar, G. J. Matlashewski, and M. R. Sahasrabudhe. Copyright 1983 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. 

Lipase activity was measured in oat grains by monitoring release of labeled fatty acids from glycerol tri[1- 14C]oleate. In oats germinated for 24 hr, only traces of activity were in the embryo; almost all of the lipase was in the other tissue. Fine dental drills and abrasive disks were used to selectively remove the embryo, embryo plus endosperm, and bran. Most of the lipase (80%) was in the outer bran layers. Analysis of four milled fractions, ie, bran, first shorts, second shorts, and flour from dehulled oats showed that the bran fraction and the first shorts had highest lipase activity. The percent distribution of total lipase in oats at 12% moisture in the four fractions was 69.2, 5.1, 24.7, and 1.0, respectively. In freeze-dried oats at 7% moisture, it was 83.3, 7.7, 6.2, and 2.8, respectively. The bran fraction accounted for 65% of the dry weight.

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