Cereal Chem 61:147 - 150. | VIEW
Corn Hardness Determination.
Y. Pomeranz, C. R. Martin, D. D. Traylor, and F. S. Lai. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Breakage susceptibility and kernel hardness as measured by density, near-infrared reflectance, and average particle size of ground material were determined for four groups of corn samples. The groups were isogenic pairs with regard to hardness (dent and flint), commercial dent hybrids, dent corn heat-dried under various conditions, and a group that varied in starch composition (waxy, regular, high amylose) and in protein, oil, and ash contents. Density, near-infrared reflectance, and average particle size values were highly, linearly, and positively correlated provided homogenous groups were analyzed and evaluated. In samples that were highly susceptible to breakage, correlation coefficients of hardness determination increased when calculations were made on the basis of constant breakage susceptibility. The three methods of hardness determination were equally sensitive and useful in routine analyses.