Cereal Chem 61:169 - 173. | VIEW
Dynamic Viscoelastic Properties of Concentrated Dispersions of Gluten and Gluten Methyl Ester: Contributions of Glutamine Side Chain.
T. Mita and H. Matsumoto. Copyright 1984 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Dynamic viscoelastic properties of concentrated dispersions of gluten and gluten, methyl ester were investigated. The storage and loss moduli, G' and G", for dispersions of gluten and gluten methyl ester increased with increasing concentration. The values of G' and G" for gluten methyl ester dispersion appeared to increase steadily with increasing concentration compared to those of gluten. Tan delta for both dispersions decreased with increasing concentration. Significant decreases in tan delta were also observed when gluten methyl ester was tested at concentrations above 20%. The resulting viscoelastic spectra, log G' versus logarithm of frequency, were analyzed in terms of the theory of cooperative flow. From a link between the cooperative flow analysis and the result of tan delta, gluten methyl ester dispersion forms loosely packed gel structure at higher concentrations, whereas gluten dispersion behaves as a viscoelastic liquid even at concentrations above 30%.