Cereal Chem 66:205-209 | VIEW
High-Fiber, Noncaloric Flour Substitute for Baked Foods. Effects of Alkaline Peroxide-Treated Lignocellulose on Dough Properties.
B. K. Jasberg, J. M. Gould, K. Warner, and L. L. Navickis. Copyright 1989 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Replacing up to 30% of the flour in a dough with alkaline hydrogen peroxide (AHP)-treated lignocellulose increased the height of the mixograph peak obtained during dough mixing by as much as 40% compared with an all flour dough. Substantially more water could be incorporated into the dough without loss of dough integrity when AHP-treated lignocellulose was used as a replacement for a portion of the flour. Loaf volumes of white bread were essentially unchanged when 10% of the flour was replaced with AHP-treated lignocellulose without added gluten.