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doi:10.1094/CFW-52-4-0167 |  VIEW ARTICLE


Adulterous Affairs

D. Best. Cereal Foods World 52(4):167.

Food adulteration is to high prices as pests are to grain. The abundance of one engenders the abundance of the other. A number of indicators, including competition for food resources by the bioethanol industry, suggest that our cereal foods industry is about to enter an extended period of tightening supplies and high ingredient prices. As Henry J. Heinz illustrated, the guarantee of food purity, quality, and safety is intrinsic to our food industry's brand value. What is at stake is the brand equity of companies, the industry, and, even, countries of origin. So, stay vigilant. Catching food adulterers is a never-ending quest and, unfortunately, “success” usually happens after the damage is done. For food companies, there’s no better way to destroy a corporate brand than to be caught adulterating food products, no matter where it happened to occur in the supply chain.


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