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doi:10.1094/CFW-52-6-0307 |  VIEW ARTICLE


A New Approach to the Pearling Test for Grain Hardness

R. Rodney (1), S. Uthayakumaran (2), I. L. Batey (2), and C. W. Wrigley (2). (1) Chevalier College, Bowral, NSW, Australia. (2) Wheat CRC and Food Science Australia, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Cereal Foods World 52(6):307-308.

A rice-pearler, fitted with an abrasive disc, may be used to determine wheat hardness. The test requires 10 g of grain and takes a total of approximately three minutes to perform. Apart from the pearler itself, the only requirement is a balance to weigh the grain and the pearls produced. The method was compared with NIR hardness for a set of 58 wheats, hard and soft, and the grouping of individual samples was similar. This pearling test provides a simple alternative for measuring hardness.


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