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doi:10.1094/CFW-55-2-0076 |  VIEW ARTICLE


How to Brew Up Innovation in Your Organization

B. Eckert and J. Vehar. New & Improved, LLC, Paul Smiths, NY, U.S.A. Cereal Foods World 55(2):76-78.

Is there a culture of innovation in your organization? Does your company obsessively focus on new products, as does the Boston Beer Company (brewers of the Sam Adams line of beers)? Are your people constantly being developed as a competitive advantage like General Electric’s? Is your organization reinventing the processes that allow innovation from inside and out like at Procter & Gamble? How about the environment where you work—Is your company as innovative as Google? If you can answer “yes” to most of the questions above, then give yourself a gold star and move to the next article in the magazine. If there was a “no” to one or more above, then add yourself to a list of the 99.4% of companies that wrestle with creating the growth engine that we know as a “culture of innovation.”


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