AACC InternationalAACC International

doi:10.1094/CFW-59-2-0106 | VIEW ARTICLE


Managing Food Allergens

Richard F.Stier

Sonoma, CA, U.S.A., Rickstier4@aol.com Cereal Foods World 59(2):106-110.

The food industry is becoming increasingly aware of the safety hazards posed by food allergens and the challenges inherent in managing them as food product recalls have increased and regulatory agencies have begun establishing guidance for food allergen management and control. To succeed, food allergen management and control systems must be a team effort that involves everyone in the operation, from vendors through final product packaging and shipping. Food processors sourcing components and marketing finished products internationally must also be aware of regulations and concerns specific to the countries and regions in which they do business. The key to ensuring the safety of consumers who are sensitive to allergens is avoidance, so the food industry must not only take steps to minimize the potential for contamination, but to ensure the accuracy of product labels.

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