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doi:10.1094/CFW-60-2-0090 | VIEW ARTICLE

AACCI Report

Future of Grain Science Series: Grain Science and Industry in Turkey: Past, Present, and Future

HamitKÖksel1 and BuketCetiner2

Hacettepe University, Food Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey.Central Research Institute for Field Crops, Ankara, Turkey. Cereal Foods World 60(2):90-96.

Although cereal grains such as rice, corn, rye, oats, and barley are consumed as foods in Turkey, wheat is the most commonly consumed cereal grain. Therefore, this article focuses primarily on wheat, discussing the history, agricultural production, traditional cereal products, consumption trends, R&D activities, processing, trade of cereal products (e.g., flour, pasta, bulgur, breads, and cookies), and future prospects for academic and industrial research activities in Turkey.

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