AACC InternationalAACC International

doi:10.1094/CFW-60-2-0116 | VIEW ARTICLE


Assessing Potential Chemical Hazards

Richard F.Stier

Sonoma, CA, U.S.A., Rickstier4@aol.com. Cereal Foods World 60(2):116-117.

An integral part of a processor's food safety program is determining significant biological, chemical, and physical hazards. Chemical hazards are probably lowest on the priority list when it comes to building a food safety management system or HACCP plan, but they must be addressed. The irony is whereas people in industry tend to focus more on biological and physical hazards, consumers and their advocates seem to worry more about chemicals in their foods, forgetting that any food is a collection of chemicals. Processors need to focus on significant hazards but should also consider consumer concerns when developing food safety management systems to address chemical hazards.

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