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doi:10.1094/CFW-61-4-0165 | VIEW ARTICLE


Shipping and Receiving: Expanding What You Do to Ensure Compliance

Richard F.Stier

Sonoma, CA, U.S.A. Rickstier4@aol.com. Cereal Foods World 61(4):165-170.

Another section of the mandates from the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is now in place, with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issuing the long-awaited rule to regulate transportation of food items, “Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food.” This rule is also a mandate from the 2005 Sanitary Food Transportation Act. In this column, Stier discusses how the sanitary transportation rule and its emphasis on monitoring temperatures during refrigerated shipment of foods mandates what the industry has deemed good shipping practices for many years. Further development and implementation of best practices in shipping and receiving will help ensure that companies involved in each stage of the food transportation process are in compliance with the new regulations. If all loaders, receivers, and carriers strive to implement best practices and target a world-class transportation system, the whole industry and consumers will benefit.

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