Our Sponsors



​Cereals & Grain 21: A Series on Food Evolution ​​​​will take place on June 24, November 17 and November 18. Each day of the meeting is themed with a question that will be answered by the day's programming. ​Note: all Cereals & Grains 20 sponsors and exhibitors have priority in their reservation through Friday, March 19. We look forward to your team joining us virtually this year! ​

Explore​ our sponsorship prospectus to review opportunities that we've strategically put together for this ​meeting series and reach out if you have any questions! A few things to note as you review:

  • An experience that's made for you!  We'll build customized sponsorship packages to fit your budget and goals for your involvement

  • Sponsors will be recognized with each part of the meeting series - giving you 3x the exposure and recognition between June - November!)

  • Every sponsor will have a virtual exhibit experience on our meeting platform that includes 1:1 and group messagin​g, video chats and more!​

Reserve your sponsorship now!​​​

Sponsor Checklist:

  1. Review and share these sponsor guidelines​ with your colleagues who will attend the meeting
  2. ​Opt in for Giveaway Thursday (June 24, Nov. 17​ and/or Nov. 18)
  3. ​Set up time with Brianna to explore the meeting platform​​ so your team knows how to navigate​ it before June 24!

Brianna Plank
Director, Business Development

Registration Scam Warning!​

Suppliers:​ if you are contacted by any outside vendor other than Cereals & Grains or our partners trying to sell you or provide the Cereals & Grains 21 or Cereals & Grains Attendee List, they are not endorsed by Cereals & Grains. These are companies trying to get credit card details and personal information. Do not engage with these companies. Cereals & Grains and our official partners are the only vendors responsible for this meeting and able to provide listings to current suppliers.

The Cereals & Grains Association (formerly AACC International)​
Cereals & Grains is a global ​501c3 nonprofit​​ association made of 2,000+ scientists and food industry professionals working to advance the understanding and knowledge of cereal grain science and its product development applications through: research, leadership, education, technical service and advocacy.​​​ Cereals & Grains assists our members in delivering the science ​​​behind 75% of the world's diet. Your contribution to support Cereals & Grains 21 is likely tax-deductible, learn more at www.irs.gov.