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doi:10.1094/CFW-53-5-0272 |  VIEW ARTICLE


Nutrition: The Glycemic Response—Its Effects and Factors That Affect It

J. M. Jones. College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, MN. Cereal Foods World 53(5):272-273.

This column discusses recent studies and the affect of carbohydrates on insulin. Some experiments included caffeine in the form of coffee and another included white wine vinegar (University of Lund). The ingestion of caffeine in coffee with either a high or a low glycemic index meal significantly impairs acute blood glucose management and insulin sensitivity compared to decaffeinated coffee. Further research is needed to determine if caffeinated coffee should be considered a risk factor for insulin resistance. University of Wollongong reviewed whole grains and their affect on weight. She discusses another study that showed how whole grains can modulate prebiotic gut microbiota. Another Cochrane review applied its vigorous standards to assess the effects of whole grain on preventing type 2 diabetes. The article also discusses dietary biomarkers, ARs, wheat, rye, and sorghum.


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