About Cereals & Grains 2020

Inspired by both the current UN Sustainable Development Goals and the 2020 focus on global food systems in our Cereal Foods World (CFW) journal, the theme of this year’s conference is “Connecting Grain Science with Global Sustainability.”

Our program is dedicated to helping you discover solutions to the questions that keep you up at night relating to:

  • ensuring traceability and safe products in the grain industry
  • meeting the demand of your environmental and health-conscious consumers
  • faster innovation to meet your food security, environmental and market needs.

To assure you depart the annual meeting with new strategies to incorporate sustainability into whatever work you do, this year’s programming is focused on the following three key areas of cereals and grains science:

  • Grain Production & Global Trade
  • Innovation for Health, Functionality & Consumer Trust
  • Food Security & the Environment.

Learn from and connect with industry thought-leaders as they explore past and current trends in basic to applied cereal grain science and help you plot your course for a globally sustainable future.​