Cereals & Grains Association
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How to address microbiological safety concerns of high risk ingredients
J. D. MEYER (1). (1) Covance Laboratories, Inc., Monona, WI, U.S.A.

Consumers continue to expand their palates and preferences for a wider variety of foods that will meet their gastronomical and/or nutritional expectations. To deliver against these expectations, food manufacturers are incorporating novel ingredients and utilizing existing ingredients in new ways. This may lead to the utilization of ingredients with increased risk of introducing microbiological hazards. Food manufacturers need to develop and implement strategies to effectively identify potentially high risk ingredients. They must also consider ingredients that may become high risk based on a new or unique product application. Once high risk ingredients are identified, additional controls may be needed to address any microbiological safety concerns and deliver products with minimal risk to the consumer. This presentation will review some of these strategies and controls and how they may be implemented.

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