Cereals & Grains Association
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​​​​​​Cereals & Grains Association Leadership​

Cereals & Grains Association members are represented by the Board of Directors which meets regularly throughout the year to review policy issues and action items in the context of the Strate​gic Plan. The Board is in regular consultation with various committees and other associations, agencies, and organizations, to ensure a timely response to current issues, opportunities, and developments. Below is a comprehensive list, linking you to all branches of​ leadership. Cereals & Grains Association is always seeking active participation from the membership in its leadership opportunities, if you would like to be involved simply contact the chair where you are most interested.

Board of Directors​



Divisions and Sections​

Member Search​

Grain Science Resources

​Staff ​​Contacts

​Approved Methods Technical


​​Learn More About Technical Committees​