Cereals & Grains Association
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Wheat Sprouting Enhances Bread Baking Performance
K. RICHTER (1), K. Richter (1), K. Christiansen (2), G. Guo (1). (1) Horizon Milling, Minnetonka, MN, U.S.A.; (2) Cargill Malt, Spiritwood , ND, U.S.A.

As consumers become increasingly health conscious, so does the demand for tasty and convenient foods that provide nutritional and health benefits.  Whole grain awareness and acceptance continues to grow across many different channels and consumer segments.  Recently, Horizon Milling and Cargill Malt worked to develop sprouted white spring whole wheat flour for bread applications. Using Cargill Malt and Horizon Milling’s patented sprouting procedure, Cargill is able to enhance the baking performance of 100% sprouted whole wheat bread. Compared to the unsprouted counterpart, sprouted whole wheat flour has greater flour Farinogram stability, increased mix tolerance, shorter proof times, increased bread volume, and improved sensory.  Sprouted wheat application includes a sponge and dough method with varying vital wheat gluten levels, used to compare pan bread baking performances.  

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