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Monitoring beta glucan viscosity throughout food processes: Quality control approach.  
T. GAMEL (1). (1) Guelph Food Research Centre- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Guelph, ON, Canada

Because of health claim regulations linking the consumption of food products rich in beta-glucan with reduced risk of coronary heart disease, interest in such products as healthy food choices has increased for food companies and consumers. Oat and barley in particular, have caught more attention due to their high content of beta-glucan. Processing these grains into cereal products may affect the physicochemical characteristics (molecular weight, viscosity and solubility) of beta-glucan and subsequently the physiological effects; making production of healthy oat and/ or barley products is a challenge. High viscosity, which is corresponding to both molecular weight and solubility, was confirmed as a key factor to obtain significant health benefits from consuming beta-glucan containing cereal products. Thus, monitoring changes of beta-glucan physicochemical characteristics, particularly viscosity, through processing is a crucial to preserve its positive physiological effects. However, measurement of beta-glucan viscosity during process is not a common practice and therefore, developing a simple and reliable method to monitor its changes in cereal products would help in maintaining both, the quality and health factors of these products. This quality control approach is extremely beneficial for industry and academia to ensure the health benefits of beta-glucan containing cereal products are achieved.

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