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Sprouted seeds as natural fortification/enrichment ingredients: Nutrient bioavailability, antioxidant activity and phytochemical/anti-nutrient profiles.
M. OMARY (1). (1) California State University, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.

Sprouted seeds have been reported to be nutritionally superior to their respective seeds with higher levels of nutrients and polyphenols, lower concentrations of anti-nutrients such as phytic acid, tannins, trypsin inhibitors, lectins, saponins and flatulence causing sugars, increased protein and starch digestibility, increased antioxidant activity, and bioavailability of some minerals. Their inclusion along with that of the original seeds in the formulation of whole-grain rich, fiber-rich, and gluten-free (when applicable) baked goods may provide a natural fortification/enrichment tool. This presentation will review the state of the research on germinated edible seeds such as cereals, pseudocereals and legumes.

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