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Improved Method for Isolating and Quantitating α-Amino Nitrogen as Nonprotein, True Protein, Salt-Soluble Proteins, Zeins, and True Glutelins in Maize Endosperm

September 2000 Volume 77 Number 5
Pages 620 — 626
J. Landry , 1 , 2 S. Delhaye , 1 and C. Damerval 3

INRA, Laboratoire de Chimie Biologique, INA - PG, F78850 Thiverval- Grignon. Corresponding author. E-mail: landry@platon.grignon.inra.fr Fax: 033 1 30 81 53 73. INRA, INA-PG, UPS, Station de Génétique Végétale, Le Moulon, F91190 Gifsur-Yvette.

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Accepted May 29, 2000.

The conventional Landry-Moureaux method for selective extraction of maize proteins was modified by reducing the contact time of meal with extractants and by removing 55% 2-propanol as extractant. The new procedure, coupled with a method for quantitating protein at microgram level, was used for assessing the nitrogen distribution of four soluble protein fractions present in 100-mg samples of endosperm originating from six maize inbreds and opaque-2 versions. Proteins extracted with 55% 2-propanol plus reductant were made up of α-, β-, γ-, and δ-zeins. Proteins extracted subsequently with salt plus reductant were minor and poor in lysine (1 mol%).They were associated with zeins. Comparison of present data with those available in the literature showed a close similarity for a given genotype between the percentage of total α-amino nitrogen extracted by 2-propanol plus reductant than by salt plus reductant under conditions of the modified procedure and that of total Kjeldhal nitrogen extracted by 2-propanol with and without reductant, and by salt plus reductant, using the conventional procedure. A simplified protocol was described and tested for isolating and quantitating α-amino nitrogen as nonprotein, true protein, salt-soluble proteins, zeins, and true glutelins in any sample of maize endosperm.

This article is in the public domain and not copyrightable. It may be freely reprinted with customary crediting of the source. American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc., 2000.