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Relationship of Bread Quality to Kernel, Flour, and Dough Properties

January 2008 Volume 85 Number 1
Pages 82 — 91
F. E. Dowell,1,2 E. B. Maghirang,1 R. O. Pierce,3 G. L. Lookhart,4 S. R. Bean,5 F. Xie,4 M. S. Caley,5 J. D. Wilson,5 B. W. Seabourn,5 M. S. Ram,5 S. H. Park,5 and O. K. Chung5

USDA ARS, Grain Marketing and Production Research Center, Engineering Research Unit, 1515 College Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502. Mention of trade names or commercial products is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Corresponding author. Phone: 785-776-2753. Fax: 785-537-5550. E-mail address: floyd.dowell@gmprc.ksu.edu USDA, Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration, Federal Grain Inspection Service, Kansas City, MO 64163. Kansas State University, Dept. Grain Science and Industry, Manhattan, KS 66506. USDA ARS, Grain Marketing and Production Research Center, Grain Quality and Structure Research Unit, 1515 College Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502.

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Accepted September 4, 2007.

This study measured the relationship between bread quality and 49 hard red spring (HRS) or 48 hard red winter (HRW) grain, flour, and dough quality characteristics. The estimated bread quality attributes included loaf volume, bake mix time, bake water absorption, and crumb grain score. The best-fit models for loaf volume, bake mix time, and water absorption had R2 values of 0.78–0.93 with five to eight variables. Crumb grain score was not well estimated, and had R2 values ≈0.60. For loaf volume models, grain or flour protein content was the most important parameter included. Bake water absorption was best estimated when using mixograph water absorption, and flour or grain protein content. Bake water absorption models could generally be improved by including farinograph, mixograph, or alveograph measurements. Bake mix time was estimated best when using mixograph mix time, and models could be improved by including glutenin data. When the data set was divided into calibration and prediction sets, the loaf volume and bake mix time models still looked promising for screening samples. When including only variables that could be rapidly measured (protein content, test weight, single kernel moisture content, single kernel diameter, single kernel hardness, bulk moisture content, and dark hard and vitreous kernels), only loaf volume could be predicted with accuracies adequate for screening samples.

This article is in the public domain and not copyrightable. It may be freely reprinted with customary crediting of the source. AACC International, Inc., 2008.