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Fine mapping the control of starch structural and functional properties in wheat

M. K. MORELL (1), C. Cavanagh (1), M. Newberry (1), C. Howitt (1)
(1) CSIRO, Canberra, Australia
2012 AACCI Annual Meeting

In previous studies, we have isolated the key genes involved in starch synthesis and utilised techniques such as combining null mutations (e.g., in ssIIa) and RNAi (BEIIa/BEIIb) to define the roles of individual genes. In this study, we have utilised the diverse and highly recombinant MAGIC (Multi-Parent Advanced Generation Intercross) mapping populations developed at CSIRO to examine the genetic control of a range of starch structural and functional traits. QTL data will be presented, along with an assessment of whether known genes are likely to underpin the QTL. The implications of the analysis for the development of wheat cultivars with specific alterations in starch structure and function by traditional breeding techniques will be discussed.

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2012 AACCI Fine mapping the control of starch structural and functional properties in wheat
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