Cereals & Grains Association
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Manhattan Section

Cereals & Grains Student Travel Awards

The Cereals & Grains Manhattan Section inspired and has maintained the successful Cereals & Grains Student Travel Award program. This program ensures a highly valuable experience and critical visibility at our annual meetings for students and can be the inspiration for developing a lifelong career in our science.

Students can apply for an Cereals & Grains Student Travel Award as part of the annual meeting abstract submission process by simply checking a box on the form.Students who select the travel award option will automatically have their details submitted as part of their award application. Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements for consideration. (Applicants must be an AACCI student member, submit an accepted abstract, register, and present a poster or oral session during the annual meeting to be eligible.) Awardees will be notified prior to the meeting and will receive their award check at the meeting. Students, make sure to apply when you submit your meeting abstract!