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Cereal Foods World, Vol. 65, No. 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1094/CFW-65-1-0004
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​​​​​​Importance of Analysis to Prevent and Control the Presence of Mycotoxins in Cereals
Pablo De Vicente1

AENOR Laboratorio, Madrid, Spain

1 E-mail: pdevicente@aenor.com; LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/pablodvl

© 2020 Cereals & Grains Association


Mycotoxins pose an extremely serious threat to public health and can cause major losses both at human and economic levels. As a result, their presence has become a matter of control and regulation in many countries. Fungi that produce mycotoxins can contaminate cereals at any point during the production process, from sowing through storage, transport, and processing. Integral management of the production process can reduce the presence of mycotoxins, and, for this reason, it is necessary to take measures at each point in the production process to perform analyses and routinely confirm their efficacy. Mycotoxin analyses allow companies to measure the efficacy of the measures taken to reduce the presence of mycotoxins and to check for compliance with legal limits and regulations. Performing routine analyses reduces the risk of contamination and product recalls by reducing and removing raw materials that test positive for the presence of mycotoxins.

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