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The Science of Gluten-Free Foods and Beverages

Editors: Elke K. Arendt and Fabio Dal Bello, University College Cork, Ireland

ISBN: 978-1-891127-67-0

Front Matter

Pages i-ii


Pages iii-iv

Section 1: Celiac Disease: An Introduction

Chapter 1: The Epidemiology of Celiac Disease

Carlo Catassi and Surender Kumar Yachha
Pages 1-11

Chapter 2: Refractory Coeliac Disease: An Opportunity to Prevent a T-Cell Lymphoma

W.H.M. Verbeek, M.W.J. Schreurs, A. Al-Toma, J.J. Oudejans, and C.J.J Mulder
Pages 13-22

Section 2: Detection of Food Allergens and the Safety of Gluten-Free Foods

Chapter 3: Gluten-Free Diet and Food Legislation

Hertha Deutsch
Pages 23-33

Chapter 4: Challenges in Detecting Food Allergens — Analytical Methods in the Legal Context

Bert Popping
Pages 35-40

Chapter 5: Detection of Gluten and Related Proteins in Foods and Beverages, and Safety Issues Related to Gluten-Free Foods and Beverages — Specific Detection with the R5 Antibody in a Ready-to-Use Test Kit for Industry

Ulrike Immer and Sigrid Haas-Lauterbach
Pages 41-52

Section 3: Plant Breeding to Produce Gluten-Free Raw Materials

Chapter 6: Overview of Peptides Causing Celiac Disease and Strategies for their Elimination

R. J. Hammer and T.W.J.M. van Herpen
Pages 53-59

Chapter 7: Overview of Gluten-Free (Cereals and Other) Raw Materials and their Properties

Emmerich Berghofer and Regine Schoenlechner
Pages 61-68

Chapter 8: Oats — An Overview from a Celiac Disease Point of View

H. Salovaara, P. Kanerva, K. Kaukinen, and T. Sontag-Strohm
Pages 69-81

Chapter 9: Gluten-Free Ingredients

Steve L. Taylor
Pages 83-87

Section 4: Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages

Chapter 10: Novel Approaches in the Design of Gluten-Free Cereal Products

Elke K. Arendt and Stefano Renzetti
Pages 89-97

Chapter 11: Exploitation of the Metabolic Potential of Latic Acid Bacteria for Improved Quality of Gluten-Free Bread

Michael G. Gänzle and Clarissa Schwab
Pages 99-111

Chapter 12: Producing Gluten-Free Beer — An Overview

C.W. Bamforth
Pages 113-117

Chapter 13: Malting of Sorghum and Buckwheat for Brewing Purposes — A Gluten-Free Alternative to Barley?

B. Schehl, A. Mauch, and E.K. Arendt
Pages 119-123

Section 5: Health and Functional Food

Chapter 14: Dietary Fibre in a Gluten-Free Diet

K. Poutanen

Chapter 15: Enzymes in the Production of Functional Food Ingredients — The Arabinoxylan Case

Jan A. Delcour, Willem F. Broekaert, Christophe M. Courtin, and Hans Goesaert
Pages 129-140

Section 6: Marketing, Labelling, and Consumer Percetion of Gluten-Free Foods and Beverages

Chapter 16: The Role of the Coeliac Societies

Fiona M. Stevens
Pages 141-147

Chapter 17: Strategic Marketing of Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages

Joe Bogue and Douglas Sorenson
Pages 149-158

Back Matter

Pages 159-165