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04 Technical Reports
Cereal Foods World, Vol. 63, No. 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1094/CFW-63-2-0080
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AACC International Approved Methods Technical Committee Report: Collaborative Study on Determination of Total Dietary Fiber (Digestion-Resistant Carbohydrates per Codex Definition) by a Rapid Enzymatic-Gravimetric Method and Liquid Chromatography
Barry V. McCleary, Jodi Cox, and Vincent A. McKie
Megazyme, Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland


A method for measurement of total dietary fiber (TDF), as defined by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (ALINORM 09/32/26), was validated for plant materials, foods, and food ingredients. The method measures insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) and total soluble dietary fiber (SDF), including SDF that precipitates from 78% aqueous ethanol (SDFP) and SDF that remains soluble in 78% aqueous ethanol (SDFS). AACCI Approved Method 32-60.01 (Integrated Method for Total Dietary Fiber) is an update on AACCI Approved Method 32-45.01 (Total Dietary Fiber (Codex Alimentarius Definition)) that is designed to address issues identified by analysts using AACCI 32-45.01. Values for higher molecular weight dietary fiber were determined gravimetrically for samples that did not contain resistant starch(es) (RS) and were essentially the same as those obtained using AACCI Approved Methods 32-05.01 (Prosky method) and 32-07.01 (Lee method). The method was evaluated through an AACC International and ICC collaborative study. Sixteen test samples (eight blind duplicates) with a range of traditional dietary fiber, RS, and nondigestible oligosaccharide contents were assayed by thirteen laboratories. All laboratories returned valid data. Dietary fiber content ranged from 6.79 to 60.6%; within-laboratory variability (sr) ranged from 0.29 to 0.74 (1.22 to 6.34%, relative); and between-laboratory variability (sR) ranged from 0.57 to 4.67 (2.64 to 13.38%, relative).

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