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Chapter 16: Snack Foods

Principles of Cereal Science and Technology, Third Edition
Pages 249-256
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1094/9781891127632.016
ISBN: 978-1-891127-63-2


The subject of this last chapter before the final one, which deals with animal feeds, is snack foods. These products are defined as foods generally eaten just as they are removed from the package. They include cookies and crackers (Chapter 13) and even bread (Chapter 12) and breakfast cereals (Chapter 15). In the present chapter, several maize- and wheat-derived products and the production processes for them are described. Maize-based products include popcorn, corn nuts, and corn curls, as well as the masa-derived products corn chips, tortillas, and taco shells. Wheat-based products include pretzels, bagels, and wheat-germ-based synthetic nuts.