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02 Features
Cereal Foods World, Vol. 65, No. 6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1094/CFW-65-6-0063
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​​​​​​Complementing Cereal Grains with Pulse Grains to Enhance the Nutritional and Environmental Sustainability Profiles of Manufactured Foods in Canada and the United States​
​Christopher P. F. Marinangeli, PhD, RD1

© 2020 Cereals & Grains Association


​The interplay between environmental sustainability and reduced risk of chronic disease with dietary choices is often underpinned by the source of protein within a given dietary pattern. This review discusses opportunities to use pulses to increase the proportion of plant protein in manufactured foods to promote dietary patterns that simultaneously promote nutritional adequacy and environmental sustainability. Although consumption of pulses remains relatively low in Canada and the United States, there is a profound opportunity to use pulses to incorporate high levels of plant protein into dietary patterns and, when combined with cereals, provide a sufficient quantity of all of the indispensable amino acids. Increasing the demand for pulses as a food and food ingredient has the potential to expand their production in North America and lower the environmental impacts of modern agriculture. Sourcing cereals from sustainable cropping systems that incorporate pulses can also facilitate higher yields, enhance soil organic carbon, soil biomass, and nitrogen and water use efficiencies and permit the adoption of environmentally conscientious technologies such as zero tillage. The use of pulses in combination with cereal grains could assist the food industry with providing staple foods and food innovations that align with global health and environmental targets.

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